Hero Splendor 1998 Used Bike Best Price in Bangladesh

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Hero Splendor 1998 Used Bike Best Price in Bangladesh
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Hero Splendor 1998 Used Bike Best Price in Bangladesh
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Hero Splendor 1998 Used Bike Best Price in Bangladesh
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Hero Splendor 1998 Used Bike Best Price in Bangladesh
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Hero Splendor 1998 Used Bike Best Price in Bangladesh
Hero Splendor 1998 Used Bike Best Price in Bangladesh
Hero Splendor 1998 Used Bike Best Price in Bangladesh
Hero Splendor 1998 Used Bike Best Price in Bangladesh
Hero Splendor 1998 Used Bike Best Price in Bangladesh
Hero Splendor 1998 Used Bike Best Price in Bangladesh
 ৪০,০০০ আলোচনা সাপেক্ষে
কন্ডিশন: ব্যবহৃত
পণ্যের ধরণ: মোটরসাইকেল
ব্র্যান্ড: হিরো
মডেল: Splendor
সংস্করণ: 1998
উৎপাদন বছর: ২০১৬
ইঞ্জিন ক্ষমতা: ১০০ সিসি
কিলোমিটার চলেছে: ৩০,০০০ কি.মি.


Hero Splendor 1998 Used Bike Best Price in Bangladesh

The Hero Splendor is a motorcycle model that has been in production since 1994. The 1998 model would have been part of the first generation of the Splendor, which was known for its fuel efficiency, durability, and ease of maintenance. The 1998 Hero Splendor was powered by a 97.2 cc, air-cooled, four-stroke, single-cylinder engine that produced 7.5 horsepower and 7.5 Nm of torque. It featured a 4-speed manual transmission, drum brakes on both wheels, and a simple and reliable carburetor fuel system. It was available in a range of colors and had a simple, practical design. The Hero Splendor is a popular motorcycle in India and is known for its reliability and fuel efficiency. পুরাতন মোটরসাইকেল। কাজ করা হয়েছে।

(আরও দেখান)

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