Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 64gb (Used)

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Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 64gb (Used)
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Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 64gb (Used)
Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 64gb (Used)
Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 64gb (Used)
 59,000 Negotiable
Condition: Used
Brand: Apple
Edition: 64gb
Genuine: Original


GPS, Camera, Bluetooth, The camera, Real keyboard, Motion sensor, 4G, GSM, Touch screen,


Apple iPhone 11 pro max 64gb Full box Available True tone đŸ’¯ ok Face id đŸ’¯ ok Waterproof đŸ’¯ ok 3d touch đŸ’¯ ok Original cable and charger ✔ī¸ Never opened or repair fully ok ✔ī¸ Battery health 85% Gives great backup without low power mode đŸ’Ĩ 1 day full backup with one charge ✨ Not a single dent or scratch midnight Green Full fresh look like brand new condition đŸ’¯
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  • Meet at a place where you feel safe..
  • Please check the product thoroughly before purchasing..
  • Do not make any kind of advance transaction..
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