Honda Hornet Special Used Motorcycle

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Honda Hornet Special Used Motorcycle
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Honda Hornet Special Used Motorcycle
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Honda Hornet Special Used Motorcycle
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Honda Hornet Special Used Motorcycle
Honda Hornet Special Used Motorcycle
Honda Hornet Special Used Motorcycle
Honda Hornet Special Used Motorcycle
Honda Hornet Special Used Motorcycle
 18,00,000 Negotiable
Condition: Used
Brand: Honda
Model: Hornet
Edition: Special
Manufacture: 2022
Engine Capacity: 165 CC
Kilometer Run: 16,000 K.M.


Model:Hornet Special Edition 2022 Dhaka metro (Mirpur BRTA) First party owner. 15k+ kms run. No accident history. Smart card, Papers all ok.
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  • Meet at a place where you feel safe..
  • Please check the product thoroughly before purchasing..
  • Do not make any kind of advance transaction..
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