Used Play Station 5 - PS5 PS5 For Sell in Bangladesh

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Used Play Station 5 - PS5 PS5 For Sell in Bangladesh
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Used Play Station 5 - PS5 PS5 For Sell in Bangladesh
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Used Play Station 5 - PS5 PS5 For Sell in Bangladesh
Used Play Station 5 - PS5 PS5 For Sell in Bangladesh
Used Play Station 5 - PS5 PS5 For Sell in Bangladesh
Used Play Station 5 - PS5 PS5 For Sell in Bangladesh
Condition: Used


Used Play Station 5 - PS5 PS5 For Sell in Bangladesh Dimension: 390mm x 104mm x 260mm, 4.5kg Processor: AMD Ryzen Zen 2, 8 cores, 16 threads, 3.5 GHz Memory: 16 GB of GDDR6 Graphics: AMD Radeon RDNA 2 Storage: 825 GB NVMe SSD Driver Size: Ultra HD Blu-ray Price: 40000
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  • Please check the product thoroughly before purchasing..
  • Do not make any kind of advance transaction..
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