What to do during a flood ?

 Publish: 30 Jun 2022, 08:39 pm   |   Daily necessities , Tips & Guide

What to do during a flood ?

What to do during a flood...?

Floods are one of the natural disasters. Currently, some other parts of the country including Sylhet are flooded. That is why thousands of families have been flooded. Regardless of the financial situation, this misfortune is more or less everyone's.

The first step is to keep yourself and your family members safe in the face of floods. If you live a healthy life, everything can be taken care of later. So it is important to be safe first.

Let's find out what to do to stay safe during floods-

Choose a safe place: Move to a safe place during a flood. Because if the flood waters continue to rise, then the situation may get out of control. At this time, if there is a disaster shelter or any known safe shelter, go there. Ensure the safety of yourself and your family members. Efforts must be made to overcome temporary crises. Help yourself as well as other wild victims.

Save food: Food can be the biggest crisis in flood situations. Save food during floods. If more is not possible, at least keep the food dry. These foods will come in handy in times of disaster. Store food in a dry place. Avoid unhealthy foods. Because if you get sick at this time, you may not get quick treatment.

Provide clean water: Flood water contains a variety of germs. So you have to be especially careful while drinking water. Make arrangements to boil water or purify it with alum. Use filters if possible. Do not drink water without purifying it in any way. Your small mistake can be the cause of any serious illness.

Pay special attention to children: Children's intelligence is not like that of adults. They do not understand the effects of harmful things. Children can play with flood water. The death rate of a child drowning in flood waters is not less. Flood water can also spread germs to a child's body. So pay special attention to the children at this time. Also pay attention to baby food.

To avoid insect infestation: During floods, infestation of various types of harmful insects including snakes may increase. We have to take measures to avoid such problems. You can use insect repellent. However, keep those drugs out of the reach of children.

Here are some things to do in the aftermath of the flood:

It is usually more difficult to deal with after a flood than a flood. At that time there are not so many people around as there are now. Then we have to handle ourselves. The difficult situation after the flood has to be dealt with.

Although the flood situation is frightening for everyone, at this time everyone has to decide calmly and calmly. Everyone must be vigilant to save themselves and their families in the aftermath of the flood. There are several things to keep in mind at this time.

1. The post-flood period is the most difficult time than the flood. So listen to the authorities at that time. They will return home only after giving permission or saying it is safe.

2. Pack a survival kit. Get enough food and water there for at least three days. Keep one dress for everyone, necessary medicines.

3. Listen to the radio, local switching systems or government instructions for urgent information.

4. Do not walk, swim or drive in flood waters in the aftermath of a flood. Because even at 6 inches of water level you can lose control.

5. Stay away from wet electrical appliances, as there is a risk of getting electrocuted.

6. Before entering the house, check if there is any structural damage.

7. Do not turn on the power before inspecting electrical appliances.

8. Snakes and various animals can be in your home, so be careful. Wear gloves and boots if possible.

9. Keep every flood-contaminated house clean, sterile and dry.

10. If you have any insurance, make sure that you have photos or videos as insurance claim documents.

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