|| Buy and Sell Bangladesh

Buy and Sell Bangladesh |Membership | Aponhut.com

Expand your business with a membership in AponHut.

Membership in AponHut expands the scope of your business so that your product can reach more customers and expand your business and increase product sales. You can expand your business by becoming a member through our Silver and Gold membership.

Verified Seller:

With a verified seller badge, sellers can easily gain the trust of buyers. Verified badges set you apart from other vendors. In addition to all the benefits of membership, the verified vendor will continue to offer you its own new benefits. You can expand your business and increase sales through verified vendors.

Silver Membership:

With Silver Membership you can open a page of your shop and all the advertisements will be together on the shop page which will be managed as your own shop. Ad-free promotions of all your ads will be displayed. You can promote up to 30 ads per month. Your ads on AponHut will have a member base to help build customer confidence in your online shop. Expand your business by posting more and more ads through Silver Membership.

Gold Membership:

With Gold Membership you can place more ads for free by opening a page of the shop as a Verified Seller. Manages all your ads on one page as your own shop, which attracts online customers. You can offer up to 350 free ad promotions per month on your ads. Gold membership has a base to help build customer confidence in your business and products. You can increase sales through beautiful and quality ad posts without worrying about ad limit.

Authorized Dealer:

Authorized dealers will be able to open their own shop online at AponHut. Dealers will be able to place unlimited advertisements here every month. Advertising dealers will be able to promote free ads on ads every month. Approved writing on the ad finger will give buyers vision and confidence in you and the product. Expand your business and grow your sales through approved dealers.

Benefits of membership:

 Post more ads:

Post more ads through membership. Post effective and quality ads without worrying about ad limits. Your ads will become active live.

 Gain customer confidence:

Through AponHut's membership, we help build the confidence of online shoppers. Through membership we have a base that helps to sell super fast products.

 Free promotion:

You can promote your ads ad free. In order to attract more customers every month, you will be able to sell your product very fast by promoting it with free promotion, top ad, urgent, highlight ad and slide ad ads.

  Your own shop at AponHut:

With membership you can open your own shop page on AponHut. The page will be like your own online shop store - all your ads will be listed in one place and you will be able to attract customers by adding other details of your business.

Automatically repost your ad: 

You do not need to re-post your ad after it has expired. If you turn on the auto-renewal option when you post ads through membership, you no longer have to re-post ads.

 Add more pictures:

In our membership you can add more pictures to make your ads more attractive. The more original images you add, the more your ad will attract customers.

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